Updated March 15, 2023

二尖瓣经导管边缘到边缘修复(TEER)是一种治疗二尖瓣反流的微创手术, 左心室之间的瓣膜不能正常关闭的一种情况. In a healthy heart, valves open and shut tightly during each heartbeat, 控制血液流经心脏流向身体其他部位. When the mitral valve doesn't close well, 血液向后渗漏,心脏被迫更加努力地工作. 压力可能会在肺部积聚,人们可能会感到疲倦或呼吸急促.

Without treatment, 随着时间的推移,反流会变得更加严重, with new or worsening symptoms. In TEER, 使用雅培MitraClip或帕斯卡精密系统, 一个小装置被植入瓣膜,帮助它更充分地关闭,恢复正常的血液流动. 这些装置的工作原理是将阀瓣拉到一个更自然的位置. They're inserted through an artery by means of a long, thin tube called a catheter, so the procedure requires only a small incision.

TEER can help the heart function better, which can relieve shortness of breath, chest pain and other symptoms, and improve quality of life. Patients commonly feel less anxious, 他们未来因心力衰竭住院的风险也降低了.