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早期诊断可能是脑肿瘤预后的一个重要因素. Brain tumors are the second leading cause of cancer death in children under age 15 and the second fastest growing cause of cancer death among those over age 65. Over the next year, more than 100,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Types of brain tumors

Primary brain tumors

Tumors that begin in brain tissue are known as primary brain tumors and are classified by the type of tissue in which they originate. 最常见的脑肿瘤是神经胶质瘤,它起源于神经胶质或支持组织. There are several types of gliomas:

  • Astrocytomas. These tumors arise from small, star-shaped cells called astrocytes. They may grow anywhere in the brain or spinal cord. In adults, astrocytomas most often arise in the cerebrum. In children, they occur in the brain stem, the cerebrum and the cerebellum. A grade III astrocytoma is sometimes called anaplastic astrocytoma. A grade IV astrocytoma is usually called glioblastoma multiforme.
  • Brain stem gliomas. These tumors occur in the lowest, stem-like part of the brain. The brain stem controls many vital functions. Most brain stem gliomas are high-grade astrocytomas.
  • Ependymomas. These tumors usually develop in the lining of the ventricles. They may also occur in the spinal cord. 尽管这些肿瘤可以在任何年龄发生,但它们最常见于儿童和青少年.
  • Oligodendrogliomas. 这些肿瘤发生在产生髓磷脂的细胞中,髓磷脂是保护神经的脂肪覆盖物. These tumors usually arise in the cerebrum. 它们很罕见,生长缓慢,通常不会扩散到周围的脑组织. 它们最常发生在中年人身上,但在所有年龄段的人身上都有发现.

There are other types of brain tumors that do not begin in glial tissue. Some of the most common are described below:

  • Medulloblastomas. These tumors were once thought to develop from glial cells. However, recent research suggests that these tumors develop from primitive or developing nerve cells that normally do not remain in the body after birth. 因此,髓母细胞瘤有时被称为原始神经外胚层肿瘤(PNET)。.

    Most medulloblastomas arise in the cerebellum; however, they may occur in other areas as well. 这些肿瘤最常见于儿童,男孩比女孩更常见.
  • Meningiomas. 这些肿瘤生长于脑膜,或包裹大脑和脊髓的膜. They are usually benign. 因为这些肿瘤生长非常缓慢,大脑可能能够适应它们的存在. Meningiomas often grow quite large before they cause symptoms. They occur most often in women between 30 and 50 years of age.
  • Schwannomas. These tumors are benign and begin in Schwann cells, which produce the myelin that protects the acoustic nerve, or the nerve of hearing. They occur mainly in adults. These tumors affect women twice as often as men.
  • Craniopharyngiomas. 这些肿瘤生长在下丘脑附近的脑垂体区域. They are usually benign but are sometimes considered malignant because they can press on or damage the hypothalamus, a region of the brain, and affect vital functions. These tumors occur most often in children and adolescents.
  • Germ cell tumors. These tumors arise from developing sex cells or germ cells. The most frequent type of germ cell tumor in the brain is the germinoma.
  • Pineal region tumors. 这些肿瘤发生在松果体内或周围,松果体是靠近大脑中心的一个小器官. The tumor can be slow growing (pineocytoma), or fast growing (pineoblastoma). 松果体区域很难到达,这些肿瘤通常不能切除.

Secondary brain tumors

Metastasis is the spread of cancer. 从身体其他部位开始的癌症可能会扩散到大脑并引起继发性肿瘤. These tumors are not the same as primary brain tumors. Cancer that spreads to the brain is the same disease and has the same name as the original or primary cancer. For example, if lung cancer spreads to the brain, the disease is called metastatic lung cancer because the cells in the secondary tumor resemble abnormal lung cells, not abnormal brain cells.

Treatment for secondary brain tumors depends on where the cancer started and the extent of the spread as well as other factors, including the patient's age, general health and response to previous treatment.

Our approach to brain tumor

As one of the largest and most comprehensive brain tumor programs in the U.S.,我们致力于为患者提供最好的治疗结果和生活质量. We offer the latest treatments and techniques, such as brain mapping during surgery to protect brain function and radiosurgery, 一种非手术治疗,将高剂量的辐射输送到大脑中的精确目标. 我们的病人也有机会进行临床试验,评估有希望的新疗法, and to supportive care and resources for themselves and their families.

Explore what we do

Brain tumor tests lead to better outcomes

Using new tools for more precise diagnoses and treatments, the UCSF Brain Tumor Center helps patients like Kelly live longer.

Unique program supports loved ones caring for patients with brain cancer


Awards & recognition

  • usnews-neurology

    Among the top hospitals in the nation

  • usnews-neurology

    Best in California and No. 2 in the nation for neurology & neurosurgery

  • Best in Northern California and No. 7 in the nation for cancer care

  • n1-2x

    in the U.S. for number of brain tumor patients treated

Signs & symptoms

The symptoms of brain tumors depend on their size and location in the brain. Symptoms often are caused by damage to vital tissue and pressure on the brain as the tumor grows within the limited space in the skull. 它们可能是由肿瘤周围的肿胀和液体积聚引起的,这种情况称为水肿. Symptoms also may be due to hydrocephalus, which occurs when the tumor blocks the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and causes a build-up in the ventricles.

If a brain tumor grows very slowly, its symptoms may not appear for some time. The most frequent symptoms of brain tumors include:

  • Headaches that tend to be worse in the morning and ease during the day
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Weakness or loss of feeling in the arms or legs
  • Stumbling or lack of coordination in walking
  • Abnormal eye movements or changes in vision
  • Drowsiness
  • Changes in personality or memory
  • Changes in speech

These symptoms may be caused by brain tumors or by other problems. Diagnostic tests can be performed to determine if the cause of your symptoms is a brain tumor and if it is a primary or secondary one.


To find the cause of your symptoms, your doctor will ask about your personal and family medical history and perform a complete physical examination. 除了检查一般的健康迹象外,你的十大赌博平台排行榜还会进行神经系统检查. 这包括检查警觉性、肌肉力量、协调性、反射和对疼痛的反应. Your doctor also examines the eyes to look for swelling caused by a tumor pressing on the nerve that connects the eye and the brain.

Depending on the results of the physical and neurologic examinations, your doctor may request one or both of the following:

  • Computerized tomography (CT) Scan. Computerized tomography (CT) 计算机轴向断层扫描(CAT)是一系列大脑的详细图像, created by a computer linked to an X-ray machine. In some cases, a special dye is injected into a vein before the scan. The dye helps to show differences in the tissues of the brain.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides pictures of the brain, using a powerful magnet linked to a computer. MRI is especially useful in diagnosing brain tumors because it can "see" through the bones of the skull to the tissue underneath. A special dye may be used to enhance the likelihood of detecting a brain tumor.

The doctor may also request other tests such as:

  • Angiogram or arteriogram. These tests are a series of X-rays taken after a special dye is injected into an artery, usually in the area where the abdomen joins the top of the leg. 这种在大脑血管中流动的染料可以在x射线上看到. These X-rays can show the tumor and connecting blood vessels.
  • Brain scan. 脑部扫描显示出大脑中异常生长的区域,并将其记录在特殊的胶片上. A small amount of a radioactive material is injected into a vein. This dye is absorbed by the tumor and the growth shows up on the film. The radiation leaves the body within six hours and is not dangerous.
  • Functional imaging. This test utilizes MRI or magnetic source imaging to identify functional pathways in the brain (motor, visual, language) and alerts the surgeon to potential injury to these pathways during surgery before damage could occur.
  • Myelogram. A myelogram, sometimes called a lumbosacral spine X-ray, is an X-ray or computerized tomography (CT) scan of the spine. A special dye is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid in the spine and the patient is tilted to allow the dye to mix with the fluid. This test may be done when the doctor suspects a tumor in the spinal cord.
  • MR spectroscopy. This is a modified MRI scan that shows metabolic activity within a brain tumor. This has largely replaced positron emission tomography (PET) scanning due to its superior resolution and accuracy.


Treatment for brain tumors depends on a number of factors including the type, location and size of the tumor as well as the patient's age and general health. Treatment methods and schedules differ for children and adults.

Brain tumors are treated with surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Our doctors also are studying a vaccine for treating a recurrent cancer of the central nervous system that occurs primarily in the brain, known as glioma.

Depending on your needs, several methods may be used. Our team includes neurosurgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, nurses, a dietitian and a social worker, who work together to provide the best possible care.

在治疗开始之前,大多数患者都服用类固醇,这是一种缓解肿胀或水肿的药物. Your may receive anticonvulsant medicine to prevent or control seizures.

If hydrocephalus is present, you may need a shunt to drain cerebrospinal fluid. A shunt is a long, thin tube placed in a ventricle of the brain and then threaded under the skin to another part of the body, usually the abdomen. It works like a drainpipe. Excess fluid is carried away from the brain and is absorbed in the abdomen. In some cases, the fluid is drained into the heart.


Surgery is the usual treatment for most brain tumors. To remove a brain tumor, a neurosurgeon makes an opening in the skull. This operation is called a craniotomy. Whenever possible, the surgeon attempts to remove the entire tumor. If the tumor cannot be completely removed without damaging vital brain tissue, your doctor may remove as much of the tumor as possible. Partial removal helps to relieve symptoms by reducing pressure on the brain and reduces the amount of tumor to be treated by radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Some tumors cannot be removed. In such cases, your doctor may do only a biopsy. A small piece of the tumor is removed so that a pathologist can examine it under a microscope to determine the type of cells it contains. This helps your doctor decide which treatment to use.

Sometimes, a biopsy is done with a needle. Doctors use a special head frame (like a halo) and CT scans or MRI to pinpoint the exact location of the tumor. 外科十大赌博平台排行榜在颅骨上开一个小洞,然后用针指向肿瘤. Using this technique to do a biopsy or for treatment is called stereotaxis.

Other advanced techniques during surgery include brain mapping to find functional pathways near tumors, endoscopy to perform biopsies and open spinal fluid pathways through a small scope and advanced frameless stereotaxic computer assisted tumor resections. Intraoperative MRI also is available to help maximize tumor removal.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy, 使用高能射线是为了破坏癌细胞并阻止它们生长吗. It is often used to destroy tumor tissue that cannot be removed with surgery or to kill cancer cells that may remain after surgery. Radiation therapy also is used when surgery is not possible.

Radiation therapy may be given in two ways. External radiation comes from a large machine. 一般来说,外部放射治疗每周进行5天,持续数周. The treatment schedule depends on the type and size of the tumor and your age. Giving the total dose of radiation over an extended period helps to protect healthy tissue in the area of the tumor.

外部辐射可能只针对肿瘤、周围组织或整个大脑. Sometimes the radiation is also directed to the spinal cord. When the whole brain is treated, the patient often receives an extra dose of radiation to the area of the tumor. This boost can come from external radiation or from an implant.

Radiation also can come from radioactive material placed directly in the tumor, or implant radiation therapy. 根据使用的材料,植入物可能会在大脑中停留很短的时间,也可能是永久的. Implants lose a little radioactivity each day. 病人在十大赌博平台排行榜里呆几天,这段时间是辐射最活跃的时候.

The Gamma Knife, or stereotactic radiosurgery, is another way to treat brain tumors. The Gamma Knife isn't actually a knife, but a radiation therapy technique that delivers a single, finely focused, high dose of radiation precisely to its target. Treatment is given in just one session. High-energy rays are aimed at the tumor from many angles. 通过这种方式,高剂量的辐射到达肿瘤而不损害其他脑组织.


Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. The doctor may use just one drug or a combination, usually giving the drugs orally or by injection into a blood vessel or muscle. 鞘内化疗包括向脑脊液中注射药物.

Chemotherapy is usually given in cycles. 一个治疗期之后是一个恢复期,然后是另一个治疗期,以此类推. Patients often don't need to stay in the hospital for treatment and most drugs can be given in the doctor's office or clinic. However, depending on the drugs used, the way they are given and the patient's general health, a short hospital stay may be necessary.

Advances in chemotherapy include direct placement into the tumor cavity using a new technique called convection enhanced delivery.

UCSF Health medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Recommended reading

Brain Tumor Patient and Family Resource Guide

The diagnosis of a brain tumor can affect your life in many ways. 因此,我们编制了一份资源指南,以帮助您更好地应对您的病情.

Preparing for Gamma Knife Treatment

The Gamma Knife is an advanced radiation treatment for neurological conditions and consists of six basic steps. Learn more here.

FAQ: Cancer Pathology Tissue Slides

Find frequently asked questions regarding cancer pathology tissue slides, such as how to obtain the slides and what to do with them once you do.

FAQ: Cancer Radiology Scans and Reports

Learn the difference between a radiology report and radiology films or scans as well as why your doctor may be requesting these scans and more.

Self-Care for Caregivers

Caregiver fatigue can be brought on by the physical and emotional demands of caring for a loved one with a serious illness. Learn tips to combat caregiver fatigue here.

Communicating with Your Doctor

十大赌博平台排行榜的关系是非常私人的,建立在沟通和信任的基础上. In choosing a doctor, the "chemistry" between the two of you must work.

Coping with Chemotherapy

Each person experiences side effects from chemotherapy differently, and different chemotherapy drugs cause different side effects. Learn more here.

Delegation to Help with Fatigue

癌症治疗引起的疲劳会让人很难完成哪怕是最小的任务. Learn how task delegation can help with this fatigue.

Diet for Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Nausea is a common side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Find practical tips and suggested foods to help with nausea here.

Managing Your Treatment

Living with or caring for someone with cancer can be a full-time job. 这里有一些减轻压力和帮助更有效地应对疾病的建议.

Nutrition and Coping with Cancer Symptoms

Side effects of cancer treatment may affect your eating pattern, requiring new ways to get the calories, protein and nutrients that you need. Learn more.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Your time with the doctor is limited, thus it's helpful to prepare for the visit in advance by prioritizing the questions that are important to you. Learn more.

Resources for End of Life

The UCSF Cancer Resource Center has a list of bereavement support groups, counselors, hospice and others dealing with end-of-life issues. Learn more.

Tips for Conserving Your Energy

Cancer and cancer therapy can be accompanied by feelings of extreme fatigue. 为了帮助你应对这种疲劳,遵循这些简单的方法来节约能量.

Using a Medical Calendar and Symptom Log

每天或每周结束时花点时间回顾一下你的症状. You can use a calendar to track your symptoms. Learn more here.

Where to get care (2)

    Patient stories

    Actress Hits Her Head – Doctors Discover a Brain Tumor

    故事是这样的:一位女演员从吊床上摔下来,核磁共振成像显示出一个肿瘤, a UCSF brain-mapping technique and a special surgeon "saved" her brain.

    Risky Brain Surgery Was Her Only Hope

    Erica tried a wait-and-see approach and ended up at UCSF after an aneurysm. Learn how a "living coma" and grueling rehab helped her recover 100 percent.

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    Support services

    Support Group

    Art for Recovery

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    Cancer Exercise Counseling

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    Patient Resource

    Cancer Nutrition Counseling

    UCSF Health offers free nutrition counseling to our patients with cancer, as well as nutrition seminars that are open to anyone. Learn more.

    Support Group

    Cancer Support Groups

    These groups offered by the Ida and Joseph Friend Patient and Family Cancer Support Center are free and available to all patients, whether or not you get your health care at UCSF.


    Core & More Class for Cancer Patients

    A strong body helps you fight cancer and enjoy life. 加入这个课程来稳定你的核心,加强你的肌肉和提高整体健康. For cancer patients and caregivers!

    Patient Resource

    Friend to Friend Specialty Shops

    A one-stop boutique for patients with cancer. 在假发、假体、防晒服、化妆品、皮肤护理等方面寻求专业帮助.


    Meditation & Guided Imagery for Cancer Patients

    参加一个免费的课程,旨在帮助你在治疗过程中恢复、放松和找到平衡. UCSF and non-UCSF patients are welcome.

    Patient Resource

    Neuro-Oncology Caregiver Program

    If you're caring for someone with a brain tumor, our program can help with guidance, information, resources and support at this difficult time. Find out more.

    Patient Resource

    Oncology Social Work

    社会工作者提供支持,解决问题,帮助访问加州大学旧金山分校癌症相关资源等等. Find out how to contact the social worker for your clinic.

    Patient Resource

    Patient & Family Cancer Support Center

    The center offers wellness programming, community, support groups, classes, workshops and more at no cost to people facing cancer and their loved ones.

    Support Group

    Peer Support Programs for Cancer

    根据诊断等标准,患者与同伴支持志愿者相匹配, cancer stage, age or gender. Speak to someone who's "been there."
